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More Troubles Continue to Trail Newlywed Actress Sharon Ooja’s Marriage



A friend of Ugo Nwoke’s ex-wife has weighed in on Sharon Ooja’s marriage, accusing Ugo of living a fake life.

The friend claims Ugo, real name Emmanuel, works at a Verizon office in Los Angeles and is not a billionaire.

She described how he entered her friend’s life in 2022, only to become her worst nightmare. She warned Sharon to be cautious, emphasizing the irony of Sharon celebrating Ugo while her friend mourns their broken marriage.

She expressed:

“Wonders will never end. This was the same way we gushed over this man when he came to marry my beautiful friend in December 2022. He was so calm and looking so handsome.


We also felt my friend had found an angel, lo and behold he turned tiger. All of a sudden, he started talking consistently with another woman, dear @sharonooja while he was busy talking to you and building a new relationship with you, he was breaking an innocent heart without cause.

“I was really celebrating Sharon until I bumped into a picture on Facebook today showing my friend as ex-wife to Sharon’s husband and I was broken. I was live at his wedding with my friend. Its quite unfortunate.

“No hard feelings @sharonooja, just keep your eyes open. Only God knows what men want. My friend is mourning the death of her mum and this is happening too omg.

The irony of life, @sharonooja is celebrating a man she called her best gift while my friend is mourning a man she called a devil. What a life, may we not fall into temptation and may we not use our head to carry the consequences of what we know nothing about.”


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

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