Afrobeats artist Michael Adebayo Olayinka, known as Ruger, has recently opened up about his struggles with love. The singer, renowned for his hit tracks, shared that...
Social media is abuzz with excitement as Big Brother Naija stars Angel Smith and Soma announce their engagement and wedding plans. This joyful news follows Angel’s...
Nollywood actress Sharon Ooja shared a heartfelt testimony in church, expressing gratitude for her husband, Ugo Nwoke, months after their wedding. Sharon, known for her vibrant...
Justin Theroux recently announced his engagement to actress Nicole Brydon Bloom, six years after his divorce from Jennifer Aniston. Despite moving on, Theroux has expressed his...
Nigerian singer Portable recently revealed that his wife, Bewaji, missed his presence, including his unique body scent, while he was away in Spain. Portable shared a...
Nollywood actress Iyabo Ojo’s daughter, Priscilla, is set to marry her Tanzanian partner, Juma Jux. The couple has shared videos and photos from what appears to...
Lady gives a 24-hour ultimatum to women DMing her husband for “fun” after he bought her a car, before she publishes their profiles.