In a dramatic turn of events, frustrated customers of Zenith Bank gathered in front of the bank’s gate today to protest ongoing issues with accessing their...
X Empire, a popular tap-to-earn Telegram game, is set to be listed on major exchanges like Binance, Bybit, and Bitget. Over 4 million players have already...
In a surprising turn of events, the long-awaited airdrop from the crypto-mining app Hamster Kombat has left thousands of Nigerians frustrated and angry. After five months...
Aviation experts support Emirates Airlines’ decision to charge passengers in dollars, citing the airline’s dollar-based costs and financial challenges in Nigeria. Emirates pays for services like...
The Hamster Kombat team announced that 2.3 million users were banned for cheating in their popular Telegram clicker game. They will airdrop 60 billion out of...
Aliko Dangote, Chairman of the Dangote Group, has expressed his regret over missing the opportunity to purchase Arsenal Football Club for $2 billion. Speaking during an...
Aliko Dangote, President of the Dangote Group and Africa’s wealthiest man revealed that petrol produced by the Dangote Refinery is 15% cheaper than the fuel imported...
Aliko Dangote, President of the Dangote Group, has reaffirmed that his $20 billion refinery located in Lagos will play a pivotal role in stabilizing the Nigerian...
Aliko Dangote has voiced his support for the removal of fuel subsidies in Nigeria, stating that it’s no longer sustainable. He pointed out that petrol in...
Electricity customers on Band A feeders in Nigeria may face a potential tariff increase due to a significant rise in the electricity subsidy. As of September,...