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“My Wife does not pay the school fees and she will never”- IK Osakioduwa



cc: IK Osakioduwa

The Nigerian radio personality and television presenter, IK Osakioduwa, has shared an insight on his personal life and marriage. He recently made appearance as a guest in Toke Moments podcast hosted by Toke Makinwa, and spoke on his financial aspect of his marriage. He stated that his wife will not stress about paying the bills like school fees.

He also added that if his wife lends him money without him asking, he will immediately refund it when he has the means. He acknowledged that while there are men who evenly split household bills with their wives, he does not do such.

“I know many guys who are going 50/50 with their wives. I will never ever in my life go 50/50, my wife doesn’t even know how much the kid’s school fees are. She knows but she’s never once had to bring money out to say that she’s paying school fees and she will never.”


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Man does knotless braids for his Girlfriend



Photo Credit: Pinterest (not the couple in the picture)

A woman shared a video of her boyfriend skillfully doing knotless braids for her, expressing gratitude in the caption. Commenters applauded the boyfriend’s effort and skill in the comments.

Here is the Video:


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European Couple vibe to Asake



Photo Credit: Google

An European Couple share a post of them singing and vibing to Remember by Asake, showing their love for Afrobeats.

Video Credit: oluwaryanxhannah


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Active Sex Life, Happy Home -Yetunde Bakare



cc; Yetunde Bakare

The Nigerian Actress, Yetunde Bakare emphasizes that a fulfilling sex life contributes to a happy home. In an interview with Saturday Beats, she emphasized the significance of maintaining an active and fulfilling sex life for a happy home.

“One essential ingredient of a happy home is an active and fulfilling s3x life. Marriage is a significant commitment, and one shouldn’t enter it without knowing their partner well.

For couples who are no longer getting sexual satisfaction from each other, I would advise them to sit down, discuss the issue, and find a solution.

“Love might not always be enough, so it’s important to marry someone one can tolerate through all circumstances; be they financial, mental, or physical challenges. If none of those issues are present, but there is still ‘sexual withdrawal’, it is advisable to consult a marriage counsellor or s3x therapist.”


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