Nigerian music sensation Divine Ikubor, popularly known as Rema, is powering up for a career milestone as he prepares to perform at the prestigious Coachella Valley...
American Singer, Sabrina Carpenter holds a Netflix trailer for “A Nonsense Christmas’’, the trailer also reveals to have special guests and appearances. Sabrina debuted her star-studded...
South African artist Tyla lit up the stage at the 30th MTV Europe Music Awards in Manchester, UK, on Sunday, making a powerful mark as she...
Singer and Actress, Halle Bailey Dresses up as Halle Berry’s character from a movie called “Die Another Day” for the Halloween season. She wasn’t the only...
Nigerian singer Ayra Starr has opened up about the comparisons drawn between her and South African artist Tyla. The two talented musicians recently found themselves in...
The Recording Academy has reportedly decided to reclassify South African singer Tyla’s debut album, originally submitted for consideration in the R&B category, to the pop division...
Nigerian singer Oyinkansola Aderigbigbe, widely known as Ayra Starr, has made waves by securing four nominations for the upcoming 2024 MTV Europe Music Awards (MTV EMAs)....
Tyla has addressed rumors of a feud with Halle Bailey following their interactions at the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards. On September 11, Tyla received the...
Nigerian On-Air Personality (OAP) Do2dtun has criticized South African singer Tyla after her speech at the 2024 VMA Awards. Tyla, who won the Best Afrobeats Award...
South African singer Tyla recently addressed a key issue at the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards, where she received the award for Best Afrobeats Song. During...