In a surprising turn of events, “Very Dark Man,” known for his controversial actions, has been released from custody a few hours after being detained, sparking...
Activist VeryDarkMan has been arrested by the Nigerian police. This marks another incident in a series of encounters with law enforcement. Details of the arrest are...
A viral video has captured the moment internet personality and activist, Verydarkman, was escorted into Nigerian artist Davido’s wedding venue by footballer Victor Osimhen. The footage...
Activist VeryDarkMan has announced that Ashmusy has refunded ₦1 million to a vendor from Alaba. The activist explained that he doesn’t call out individuals without reason,...
Ashmusy has addressed the allegations made against her by VeryDarkMan, who accused her of scamming a vendor. In her response, she stated that she has managed...
Activist VeryDarkMan has accused social media influencer Ashmusy of taking ₦1 million from a vendor who sells building materials in Alaba, without fulfilling her advertising commitment...